Monday, October 24, 2016

How to install Richo SP 111 Printer in Ubuntu

Install the following files

sudo apt-get install jbigkit-bin inotify-tools


Download the git files or clone form here

Extract the zip file in a folder

Copy the following file

sudo cp pstoricohddst-gdi /usr/lib/cups/filter/

Now change the permissions

sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoricohddst-gdi


Add Printer > Choose Ricoh SP 111 > Model > Provide ppd file (RICOH_Aficio_SP_111.ppd)

Another method

To add printer from the ppd file: In your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:631/

CUPS for Administrators > Adding Printers and Classes Printers > Add a printer Enter your root username and password


Thursday, September 8, 2016

How to Move Unity Launcher to Bottom in ubuntu 16.04

How to Move Unity Launcher to Bottom in ubuntu 16.04

Now you can move your unity launcher to bottom in Ubuntu 16.04.
Move unity launcher to bottom

use the following command

$ gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom

Move unity Launcher to left

$ gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Left

Monday, July 4, 2016

Features of Serial Wifi Module Esp8266

Main features of ESP8266 are:
  • Integrated low-power 32-bit MCU
  • 802.11 b/g/n protocol
  • Infrastructure BSS Station mode / P2P mode / softAP mode support
  • Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
  • WPA/WPA2 PSK, and WPS driver
  • built-in AT Command firmware
  • Integrated PLL, regulators and power-management units
  • +19.5dBm output power in 802.11b mode
  • Antenna diversity and selection (software managed hardware)
  • SDIO 2.0, SPI, UART
  • Maximum frequency is 80MHz
  • 64k bytes of instruction RAM
  • 96k bytes of data RAM
  • 64k bytes of boot RAM
  • RISC architecture

Monday, June 27, 2016

How to run H.265 / HEVC codec Movies on Ubuntu 16.04

How to run  H.265 / HEVC codec Movies  on Ubuntu 16.04

Add the following repository

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265 $ sudo apt-get update


Now install gstreamer

$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-libde265
Install vls Plugin
$ sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265 

Now your system is ready to run 
H.265 / HEVC codec Movies


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Nodemcu (ESP8266) Based Device Control Using Arduino IDE

This Experiment will help you to "Turn On and Turn Off" an LED that has connected to the Nodemcu (Esp8266), the Nodemcu has programmed from Arduino IDE to control the Device (here it is LED).

  Connect Nodemcu ( Esp8266)  to the Wi-Fi  using SSID and password .

After uploading the program , use Serial monitor to find the IP Address and url for controlling Device

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "your SSID";
const char* password = "Your Password";
int ledPin = 2; // GPIO13 // NodMcu builtin LED
WiFiServer server(80);
void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  // Connect to WiFi network
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  // Start the server
  Serial.println("Server started");
  // Print the IP address
  Serial.print("Use this URL to connect: ");
 //see your serial monitor with boud rate 115200 for see the link
void loop() {
  // Check if a client has connected
  WiFiClient client = server.available();
  if (!client) {
  // Wait until the client sends some data
  Serial.println("new client");
  // Read the first line of the request
  String request = client.readStringUntil('\r');
  // Match the request
  int value = LOW;
  if (request.indexOf("/LED=ON") != -1)  {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    value = LOW;
  if (request.indexOf("/LED=OFF") != -1)  {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    value = HIGH;
// Set ledPin according to the request
//digitalWrite(ledPin, value);
  // Return the response
  client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
  client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
  client.println(""); //  do not forget this one
  client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
  client.print("LED STATUS ");
  if(value == LOW) {
  } else {
  client.println("<a href=\"/LED=ON\"\"><button>Turn On </button></a>");
  client.println("<a href=\"/LED=OFF\"\"><button>Turn Off </button></a><br />");  
  Serial.println("Client disonnected");

Arduino NodeMcu (ESP8266) Pin Mapping

 Arduino NodeMcu (ESP8266) Pin Mapping 
 If you use  NodeMcu borad  with Arduino IDE the following chart will help to find the pin maping

eg. NodeMCU Pin D1 is equivalent to arduino Pin 5. 

Built in LED of NodeMCU is connected to D4  in arduino programming it equivalent to Pin 2 
NodeMCU      Arduino
 D0      =    16
 D1      =    5
 D2      =    4
 D3      =    0
 D4      =    2
 D5      =    14
 D6      =    12
 D7      =    13
 D8      =    15
 D9      =    3
 D10     =    1

Monday, February 1, 2016

How to find Mac Address in Ubuntu Linux using bash command

open a terminal

$/sbin/ifconfig | grep 'HWaddr' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4,5

Arduino Killer - ESP8266 Based NodeMCU

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is an embedded SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack. It helps   microcontrollers  access to your WiFi network. IoT devices exploits this facility. Lot of firmwire you can use with ESP8266. Many ESP8266 comes with AT firmware for serial communications. NodeMCU is one of them, which supports lua programming language. Latest ESP8266 boards contains plenty of I/O lines and ADC,PWM, I2C,SPI  features like Arduino. It is very cheap($3-Rs.180)
All of the above board build with ESP8266. Almost all are same.