Monday, April 29, 2013

Useful Gimp Keyboard Shortcuts for Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed up your GIMP Work flow

 Zoom Tool
    Press the + key to zoom in in increments.
    Press the - key to zoom out in increments
    Press the 1 key to zoom in to 100%, ie one pixel in your image matches one 

     pixel on your monitor
    Press Shift+Ctrl+E to fit the image to the window


  Once you've finished working with a selection, you'll want to deselect it.
    Menu  Select--> None

     Keyboard Short Cut   -  Shift+Ctrl+A

    Press Ctrl+, to fill with the foreground color
    Press Ctrl+. to fill with the background color

    Press Ctrl+: to Fill with Pattern

Reset Foreground and Background colour to Default



Undo    Ctrl+Z
Redo    Ctrl+Y

Crop and Resize    Shift+C

Bucket Fill    Shift+B

Eraser    Shift+E
Toggle rulers    Shift+Ctrl+R
Toggle guides    Shift+Ctrl+T

Merge visible layers    Ctrl+M
Anchar layer    Ctrl+H 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Record your Desktop and Make Teaching Materials with KAZAM in Ubuntu/Debian linux

A simple tool Kazam  will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any popular  video players.. It also records audio from any sound input device. Kazam provides a simple and clean user interface, I have tested more screen recorders, but kazam is the best.

  This will help you to make video tutorials. This will support FOUR modes, Fullscreen, All Screens, Window and Area.   you can change frame rate by default it is 15.

Now How to install kazam in ubuntu 12.04
Open a terminal and run the following commands.

sudo apt-get install kazam

If any problem do the following
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kazam-team/stable-series
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install kazam