Monday, February 1, 2016

How to find Mac Address in Ubuntu Linux using bash command

open a terminal

$/sbin/ifconfig | grep 'HWaddr' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4,5

Arduino Killer - ESP8266 Based NodeMCU

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is an embedded SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack. It helps   microcontrollers  access to your WiFi network. IoT devices exploits this facility. Lot of firmwire you can use with ESP8266. Many ESP8266 comes with AT firmware for serial communications. NodeMCU is one of them, which supports lua programming language. Latest ESP8266 boards contains plenty of I/O lines and ADC,PWM, I2C,SPI  features like Arduino. It is very cheap($3-Rs.180)
All of the above board build with ESP8266. Almost all are same.