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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
NASM : My First Program
I just figure out, is there any Assembly Language in Linux?
Because, usually Assembly Language use DOS and BIOS Interrupt Services.
I finally found a good application, named NASM (Net wide Assembler). I have tried the sample codes from
NASM doesn’t have a text editor, so you can use your familiar text editor then save the file with .asm file extension.
There are few main differences to be considered when you use assembly language in Linux:
* In DOS mostly you use interrupt int 21h, int 10h and int 16h. In Linux, everything is handled by kernel with int 80h.
*Linux is a 32-bit protected mode operating system, so have to use extended 32-bit registers, such as EAX, EBX, ECX and so on. In 16-bit register, you still use AX, BX,CX etc …. registers.
*In 32-bit programming, you don’t have to think about segments at all because it runs in the flat memory model.
*I think no body write DOS assembly anymore. Hey… it’s 16 bit.
How I can get Nasm?
NASM is listed in Ubuntu Repository, so just download it using apt.
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install nasm
Write your first Linux Assembly Language Application
Here I will Show you a step by step example for Displaying "hello World"
Step 1. Type the code
You can use, vim, vi, gedit etc. The extension must be .asm.
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ sudo vim hello.asm
section .data
hello: db ‘Hello world!’,10
helloLen: equ $-hello
section .text
global _start
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,hello
mov edx,helloLen
int 80h
mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h
save the file.
Actually, I’m new myself in Assembly Programming in Linux. I took the codes above from the NASM website. I just wanna show you that we can do Assembly Programming in Linux. If you want to know deeper you can go
to this link: ……………………..
Step 2. Compile .asm (source code) to .o (object)
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ nasm -f elf hello.asm
Step 3. Link the object file to produce an executable file.
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ ld -s -o hello hello.o
Now, you have 3 files, hello.asm (your source code), hello.o (your object file) and hello (your program).
Step 4. Ready to run
You can run your program by typing:
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ ./hello
Hello world!
Congratulations! You have just written your first assembly program in Linux.
If you want to know more details about nasm and ld, you can see the manual.
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ man ld
vishnu@vishnu-desktop:~$ man nasm
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Firefox Secret Pages and Hacks
- about: (Main page, You can see a logo)
- about:credits (This page shows the details of people contributing in the FireFox )
- about:license (The FireFox browser license)
- about:buildconfig (Details of build platform and tools used and details)
- about:config (FireFox settings that you can tweak, Use this very carefully )
- about:mozilla (A Firefox easter egg! )
- about:robots (A funny comment about robots!)
- About kitchensink (funny picture!! through online )
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cinelerra : Video Editing Tool for Ubuntu Linux
Cinelerra is the most advanced non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux. It is developed by Adam William. Cinelerra does primarily 3 things: capturing, compositing, and editing audio and video with sample level accuracy. It's a movie studio in a box. If you want the same kind of editing suite that the big bosses use, on an efficient Linux operating system, it's time for Cinelerra.
see more screen shots here
See Maual Here
How to install cinelerra in ubuntu 8.10
deb akirad-intrepid main
Installation notes:
- For your convenience you can install a package for detecting your version of Ubuntu, installing akirad repository and keeping it updated.
Just double click on the link and install it with GDebi Package Installer.
Alternatively, use one of the following terminal commands:
echo deb akirad-intrepid main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list && wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
4 packages are available in the akirad repository: Install it using synaptic package manager
cinelerra (all computers)- Ubuntu Intrepid uses Pulse Audio as Sound driver. Since it comes with a PulseAudio ESD compatibility layer, Cinelerra can be set to work with PulseAudio. Simply open Cinelerra and go to Settings->Preferences->Playback->Audio Driver. Select ESound and set the following parameters:
cinelerra-gl (best on computer with opengl2.0 shader)
cinelerra-smp (best on multiprocessors computer, it allows also opengl2.0 shader)
cinelerra-swtc (extra Shape Wipe Transitions)
If You have Sound Problem use the following or read this
Port: 7007
Here you can see installation details for all linux distros including old ubuntu
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Stardict, Open Source Free Dictionary for Ubuntu Linux
Stardict is a dictionary, thesaurus, translator !!!
We can use more that one dictionary database, for example: Merrian Webster Dictionary, Longman Dictionary, etc. You can download the dictionary files from
The dictionary files should go here: /usr/share/stardict/dic
Steps to add New Dictionary (example uses logman dictionary)
download stardict-longman-2.4.2.tar.bz2 files
$ sudo cp stardict-longman-2.4.2.tar.bz2 /usr/share/stardict/dic $ sudo tar -xjvf stardict-longman-2.4.2.tar.bz2
You can re arrange the search order of your dictionaries
It can be used for testing pronunciation, After installation it will be available on Applications-->Accessories
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Hackett and Bankwell - Learn Ubuntu wih Comic Book
New comic book Hacket and Bankwell book geared at introducing GNU/Linux — specifically Ubuntu GNU/Linux — to new users. At about 30 pages long, the first issue is an easy read, and doesn’t get too bogged down by technical details, political ruminations, or an over-abundance of geekiness. A couple panels are dense with historical information, but it doesn’t detract from the pace of the simple story too much.
Internet Explorer the back door of Hackers
If you've never tried Firefox, Safari, Opera Google Chrome or other Internet Explorer alternatives, now might be a good time. Microsoft's flagship browser, the default choice on countless Windows machines, currently has a serious security flaw that affects all versions of the browser running on any version of Windows. The vulnerability allows hackers to gain access to any sensitive data on your PC.
While Internet Explorer may not be the most secure of browsers, at least Microsoft is fast when it comes to patching vulnerabilities. The company is getting ready to push out an emergency update for the very serious flaw.
See liks
Monday, December 15, 2008
How to prepare Multimedia Ready Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
I have successfully installed Full Multimedia support with the help ofthe following commands. Just open a terminal windows and cut&paste the commands. I am not giving any confusing descriptions for the commands.
$ sudo aptitude install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Add the following multimedia repositories to your list
$ sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update
Now You can install Multimedia Codecs
$ sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
For i386 -- $ sudo apt-get install w32codecs
( If you are an ordinary user with 32 bit ubuntu use it)
For amd64 -- $ sudo apt-get install w64codecs
Install Multimedia codecs for GStreamer
$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10 FAAD gstreamer0.10-plugins-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll liblame0
Install VLC, Smplayer and Mplayer with all codecs and DVD support
$ sudo apt-get install vlc
$ sudo apt-get install smplayer
$ sudo apt-get install mplayer
Install Flash Player Plugin
$ sudo apt-get install dtc.templates libflashsupport
$ sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash
Now Your system is Multimedia Ready. Play a MP3 and see a DVD Movie.
see more in mediubuntu click here
Angry IP Scanner in ubuntu - A simple IP and Port Scanner
Angry IP Scanner is a IP and Port Scanner widely used by Network Administrators and Hackers. It is an open-source and cross-platform network scanner designed to be fast and simple to use. It scans IP addresses and Ports. It has lots other features also.
It can scan IP addresses with in a given range,
It can also scan their ports.
It can be used for finding a host alive by just pinging.
It can be used for resolving the host name, finding MAC Address.
It also has additional features, like NetBIOS information computer name, workgroup name, and currently logged in Windows user), web server detection, customizable openers, etc.
Download version 3.0-beta3 Here
$ sudo dpkg -i ipscan_3.0-beta3_i386.deb
No splash Screen in ubuntu - How to solve it??
In ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 , some times there is no splash screen display. Where did it go?
Yes, it is Screen resolution problem, that can solve with a little changes as shown below.
Edit the following file,
$ sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf
Then change the values with new values , that your system support. You can find your supported values from System –> Preferences –> Screen Resolution.
In my case, it was:
Now we need to reconfigure the usplash
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh usplash
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Easiest way to install Ubuntu server Applications like Apache, PHP, Mysql (LAMP)
Easiest way to install Ubuntu server Applications like Apache, PHP, Mysql (LAMP), JAVA, DNS and Everything You need .
open a terminal and type
$ sudo tasksel
now you can see a text based installation screen will then allow you to install a LAMP server, Samba, Tomcat Java server, OpenSSH, DNS server and lot of other stuff.
man2html : Ubunutu Man pages in Firefox
First you have to install man2html using Synaptic or apt
$ sudo apt-get install man2html
Then open Mozilla Firefox and do the following
Go to Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks;
Open a bookmark folder then right-click and chose New Bookmark;
Name the new bookmark Man;
In the Location field paste this line:
In the Keyword field type man;
Click Add.
Now you try man ls in address bar of your browser
You can try
also, before adding bookmark just cut and paste the above to your browsers address bar
Check Before Buying a Hardware for Ubuntu Machine will give a comprehensive Ubuntu Hardware Database
Howto Solve Loss of sound after upgrade to Ubuntu 8.10
See the steps to solve the problem
Download OSS Driver
$ sudo dpkg -i oss-linux-4.0-1016_i386.deb
Reboot the system
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Stallman Crying!! FSFS proved Microsoft Windows is a Must
FSFS international conference Proved that nobody can conduct such conferences and nobody can live without Microsoft Windows. Lots of brainstormers turned againt FSFS, see reactions
I have a doubt!! Yes it is only doubt, is Microsoft a Hidden sponsor of FSFS??
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How Did Richard Stallman React for the following???
Hello Friend I have a doubt about "How Did Richard Stallman React for the following??"
2. Suppose Richard Stallman is attending an International Conference in FreeSoftware and Free Society , You see, all the talk are about Freedom, and Freesoftware. My question is that, a speaker presenting his freesoftware presentation in MICROSOFT POWERPOINT, How will he react???
3. At last Richard Stallman walking around the conference hall of International Conference in FreeSoftware and Free Society, He saw a Noticeboard which shows “SPEAKERS ATTERNTION PLEASE !! DON'T USE THE WORD PPT FOR YOUR PRESENTATION!! Then How will he react??
mail to
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Howto Clear History From Movie Players in Ubuntu
Almost all of the applications in Gnome store their history in the same place, and it can be cleared by clearing the recent documents on the Gnome menu.
Go to the Menu bar
Places --> Recent Documents --> Clear Recent Documents
You will get a confirmation windows then press clear
Of course we did, and now the list is gone from Movie Player
Simple but useful Linux Trick
type the following !! will replace your last command
$ sudo !!
$ vi /etc/apt/sources.list
this will open file as read only you need sudo to edit the file
$ sudo !!
this will expand your command automatically to
$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Howto install Skype 2.0 in ubuntu linux
Installation in Ubuntu
1. Install the needed dependencies
sudo apt-get install libasound2 libc6 libgcc1 libqt4-core libqt4-gui libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libstdc++6 libx11-6
2. Download the DEB package and install it
Download the package from the official website here . At the time of writing the package is called skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb.
sudo dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb
The Skype is now available in /usr/bin/skype. You can run it by typing ALT+F2 and entering skype in the run dialogue that appears.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Howto get your system specification in ubuntu
open a terminal windows and type the following
$lshw this will give the full hardware details in an ugly text format
Now you can try the follwing
$lshw -html > abcd.html
open the abcd.html file in web browser (firefox)
Howto detect Free and Non-free packages installed in ubuntu
For Install vrms
$sudo apt-get install vrms
after installation you can run it in a terminal window.
Howto Solve Static IP Problem in Ubuntu 8.10
Solution for this problem
Uninstall NetworkManager is the only solution
sudo apt-get remove network-manager network-manager-gnome
After that configure manualy the interfaces
Modify the following file: /etc/networks/interfaces.
gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
You can see the following in this file
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
keep it as such
add the following
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
if you have morethan one network card and
you want to set a DHCP in eth1 use the following
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
Now Restart the network
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart