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SES, SEO, SEM, Linux and Microcontroller Help, News and Experience sharing Blog
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"It was discovered that there were multiple NULL-pointed function de-references in the Linux kernel terminal handling code," wrote Ubuntu administrators in the e-mail. "A local attacker could exploit this to execute arbitrary code as root, or crash the system, leading to a denial of service."
The e-mail also detailed a number of other bugs that could be exploited by an attacker who already had some level of access to a computer running Ubuntu.
It is important to remember that Core 2 CPUs manufactured under 45-nm technology have extra features compared to the Core 2 CPUs manufactured under 65-nm technology. All these features are present on Nehalem-based CPUs are the most significant ones are:
Processor | Model | Internal Clock | L2 Cache | L3 Cache | Price |
Phenom X4 | 9750B | 2.4 GHz | 512 KB per core | 2 MB | US$ 250 |
Phenom X3 | 8759B | 2.4 GHz | 512 KB per core | 2 MB | US$ 200 |
Athlon X2 | 5600B | 2.9 GHz | 512 KB per core | - | US$ 125 |
Athlon X2 | 4850B | 2.5 GHz | 512 KB per core | - | US$ 100 |
If you are doing any kind of PHP development, you'll almost always be using Apache along with it. Here's the way to get PHP up and running on your Ubuntu box.
From a command shell, you will run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Your web files will now be found in /var/www/
Install rpm files in linux ubuntu hardy
open a terminal windows
sudo apt-get install alien
Use the following command to install your rpm file
sudo alien -i name_of_rpm_file.rpm
sudo alien -k name_of_rpm_file.rpm
sudo dpkg -i name_of_created_deb_file.deb
cmdline - The command line issued when starting the kernel.
cpuinfo - Information about the Central Processing Unit.
dma - Contains information about all DMA channels available, and which driver is using it.
filesystems - Contains short information about every single filesystem that the kernel supports.
interrupts - Gives you a brief listing of all IRQ channels, how many interrupts they have seen and what driver is actually using it.
iomem - A brief file containing all IO memory mappings used by different drivers.
ioports - Contains a brief listing of all IO ports used by different drivers.
kcore - Contains a complete memory dump. Do not cat or anything like that, you may freeze your system. Mainly used to debug the system.
kmsg - Contains messages sent by kernel, is not and should not be readable by users since it may contain vital information. Main usage is to debug the system.
ksyms - This contains the kernel symbol table, which is mainly used to debug the kernel.
loadavg - Gives the load average of the system during the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
meminfo - Contains information about memory usage on the system.
modules - Contains information about all currently loaded modules in the kernel.
mounts - Symlink to another file in the /proc filesystem which contains information about all mounted filesystems.
partitions - Contains information about all partitions found on all drives in the system.
pci - Gives tons of hardware information about all PCI devices on the system.
swaps - Contains information about all swap partitions mounted.
uptime - Gives you the uptime of the computer since it was last rebooted in seconds.
version - Gives the exact version string of the kernel currently running, including build date and gcc versions etcetera.
And here is a list of the main directories and what you can expect to find in there:
bus - Contains information about all the buses, hardware-wise, such as USB, PCI and ISA buses.
ide - Contains information about all of the IDE buses on systems that has IDE buses.
net - Some basic information and statistics about the different network systems compiled into the system.
scsi - This directory contains information about SCSI buses on SCSI systems.
sys - Contains lots of variables that may be changed, including the /proc/sys/net/ipv4 which will be deeply discussed in this document.
As you can see, there is literally hundreds of files in the /proc filesystem that may be read and checked for information, and we haven't looked at half of them here.
After the installation is finished you’ll need to do just one of the following.
sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a username
), and then re-login.sudo chmod 666 /dev/vboxdrv
)sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
sudo dpkg -i virtualbox_1.5.6-28266_Ubuntu_hardy_i386.deb
sudo adduser $USER vboxusers)
It is worked in my core2 duo e8200 machine with 2GB RAM and INTEL G33 Motherboard
Linux kernel version 2.6.24-16
Its Great I have created virtual machine with 512 MB RAM and 8 GB hard disk , tested with my Ubuntu hardy live CD , it worked and with out any configuration I have connected to internet and browsed, and also tested open office very fast and no complications.
Just installing new Java flavours does not change the default Java pointed to by /usr/bin/java. You must explicitly set this:
Run sudo update-java-alternatives -l to see the current configuration and possibilities.
Run sudo update-java-alternatives -s XXXX to set the XXX java version as default. For Sun Java 6 this would be sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
Run java -version to ensure that the correct version is being called.
Download software Auto Super Grub Disk
Double-click auto_super_grub_disk_1.0 icon, install it, and reboot.
On the next boot, select the UNetbootin-supergrubdisk menu entry; this will launch the Auto Super Grub Disk.
Do nothing till you see your Grub menu again.